Front-end and Back-end Tech interview handbook

The front end and back end of a website are the two most important aspects. The front end is what the user sees and interacts with, while the back end is what powers the front end. A website’s front end is built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The back end, on the other hand, is powered by a server, database, and application.

Although both front-end and back-end developers are crucial to a website’s success, their skill sets are different. Back-end developers concentrate on the functionality and coding that make the website function, whereas front-end developers concentrate on the user experience and design of the website.

We’ll discuss the distinctions between front-end and back-end developers in this blog post, as well as what you need to know to ace a tech interview for either position.


Looking to ace your next tech interview? Whether you’re interviewing for a front-end or back-end position, this guide will help you prepare. We’ll cover common interview questions, what to expect during a technical interview, and how to show off your skills.

With these tips in hand, you’ll be ready to take on any technical challenge that comes your way. So let’s get started!

The difference between front-end and back-end technology

What is the difference between front-end and back-end technology? This question often comes up during job interviews for positions that require skills in both technologies. Here’s a quick rundown of the differences between front and back-end technologies:

Front-end technologies are those that run in the browser and include HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Back-end technologies are those that run on the server and have PHP, Ruby on Rails, and Node.js.

The main difference between front-end and back-end technology is that front-end technology is responsible for what the user sees and interacts with within their browser, while back-end technology is responsible for powering the web application or website. Front-end technology includes HTML code that structures the content on a page, CSS code that styles the page, and JavaScript code that adds interactivity to the page. Back-end technology includes a programming language like PHP or Ruby on Rails, a database like MySQL, and a web server like Apache or Nginx.

When a user types in a URL or clicks on a link, their browser sends a request to the web server which then runs the appropriate back-end code to fetch the requested information from the database and generate an HTML page which is then sent back to the browser. The browser then renders the HTML page according to its CSS stylesheet and runs any JavaScript code included on the page.

While front-end developers need to have some knowledge of back-end development (mainly how HTTP requests work), they primarily focus on coding for

What is a technical interview?

You will be questioned about your technical expertise and knowledge in a technical interview.

This interview is typically done to determine whether you have the knowledge and abilities required for the position. Technical interviews may be carried out in person, via phone, or through a video conference.

Front-end technology interview

Front-end technology interview questions

1. What is a CDN?

A CDN is a content delivery network. It is a system of distributed servers that delivers web content to users based on their geographic location. The content is delivered from the server closest to the user’s location, which speeds up delivery time and reduces latency.

2. What is a front-end developer?

A front-end developer is a software engineer specializing in developing user interfaces and web applications. They use a variety of programming languages and frameworks to create responsive and interactive user experiences.

3. What is a CSS preprocessor?

A CSS preprocessor is a tool that allows you to write your CSS code in a more structured format. This code is then converted into standard CSS code that can be used by browsers. The most popular CSS preprocessors are Less and Sass.

4. What is a responsive design?

Responsive design is a web design approach that aims to provide an optimal viewing experience across different devices, such as mobile phones, tablets, and desktop computers. A responsive design uses fluid grids, flexible images, and media queries to change the layout of the page based on the size of the screen.

Front-end interview formats

There are a few different types of front-end interviews that you may encounter. The most common is the behavioral interview, which focuses on your past experiences and how you handled them. You may also be asked technical questions about your skills and knowledge. Additionally, some companies may ask for a portfolio to assess your work.

Behavioral interviews usually focus on specific scenarios from your past work experience. The interviewer will want to know how you handled the situation and what the outcome was. They may also ask follow-up questions about why you made certain decisions.

Technical questions will test your knowledge of front-end technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. You may be asked about specific code snippets or be asked to solve problems using these technologies. It is important to be prepared for these types of questions by practicing before the interview.

Some companies may ask for a portfolio of your previous work during the interview process. This is an opportunity to showcase your skills and highlight any notable projects that you have worked on. Be sure to have a few examples of your work ready to go in case this comes up during the interview process.

Different coding methods for front-end

In the front-end development world, there are a few different ways to code. The most common method is to use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (often referred to as “vanilla” coding). However, there are also frameworks and libraries available that can make coding simpler and more efficient.

One popular framework is Bootstrap, which is a library of pre-written code that can be used to create responsive websites. Bootstrap is free and open-source, making it a popular choice among developers. Another popular framework is AngularJS, which is a JavaScript framework designed for building single-page web applications.

There are also many different libraries available for front-end development. jQuery is one of the most popular JavaScript libraries, and it offers many features that make coding easier, such as document traversal and event handling. Other popular libraries include React and Vue.js.

What skills are needed for front-end development?

In order to be a successful front-end developer, there are a few key skills that you will need to master. Firstly, it is important to have a strong understanding of HTML and CSS. You should be able to hand-code valid markup and style it using CSS. Secondly, you will need to be proficient in JavaScript. This includes being able to write code that is maintainable and scalable. Thirdly, you should have experience with one or more front-end frameworks such as React or Angular. And lastly, it is also beneficial to have some knowledge of back-end technologies such as PHP or Node.js.

Back-end technology interview

Back-end technology interview Questions

  • What is a typical workflow for implementing a new feature on a web platform?
  • How would you go about debugging a web application?
  • What are some common front-end performance issues that you have encountered?
  • What are some common back-end performance issues that you have encountered?
  • How would you scale a web application?
  • What is your experience with managing and deploying web applications?
  • What is your experience with using various programming languages for developing backend systems?

Back-end interview formats

There are a few common back-end interview formats that you may encounter. These include coding challenges, whiteboarding, and system design questions.

Coding challenges are usually given as part of a take-home test or during the interview itself. They are designed to assess your coding ability and problem-solving skills. Whiteboarding is often used to gauge your ability to think through a problem and articulate a solution. System design questions tend to be more open-ended, allowing you to showcase your creativity and understanding of complex systems.

Different coding methods for Back-end

There are a few different methods of coding for the back end. The most popular ones are Python, PHP, and Ruby on Rails. Python is used by sites like Google, YouTube, and Instagram. PHP is used by Facebook, WordPress, and Tumblr. Ruby on Rails is used by Basecamp, Shopify, and Twitter.

What skills are needed for back-end development?

Back-end development generally refers to the construction of server-side applications and systems. The back end usually consists of three parts: a server, an application, and a database. A back-end developer is responsible for the design, creation, testing, and maintenance of these three core components.

The skills needed for back-end development vary depending on the specific technologies being used. However, there are some general skills that all back-end developers should possess:

Strong programming skills: Back-end developers need to be able to write code in a variety of languages (e.g., Java, Python, PHP) and understand how to use different frameworks (e.g., Laravel, Django).

Database knowledge: Back-end developers should have a solid understanding of database systems (e.g., MySQL, MongoDB) and be able to write SQL queries.

Web development experience: Since back-end systems are built on top of web servers (e.g., Apache), it is helpful for developers to have experience with web development technologies (e.g., HTML, CSS, JavaScript).

Linux experience: Most back-end systems are hosted on Linux servers, so it is beneficial for developers to have some experience working with this type of operating system.

What kinds of questions are asked in front-end and back-end interviews?

When interviewing for a front-end or back-end position, expect questions about your technical abilities and experience. For front-end positions, this may include questions about HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and related technologies. For back-end positions, interviewers may ask about your experience with server-side languages like PHP, Ruby on Rails, and Node.js. In addition to questions about your technical skills, you can also expect behavioral questions designed to assess your fit for the role.

What is the interview process like for front-end and back-end positions?

The front-end and back-end interview processes can vary depending on the company, but there are some commonalities. For both positions, expect to be asked questions about your technical skills as well as your problem-solving abilities. For front-end positions, you may also be asked questions about your design sensibilities and experience with user experience (UX) principles. And for back-end positions, you may also be asked questions about databases, server administration, and scalability issues.

The interview process usually begins with a phone screen, where the interviewer will ask you general questions about your background and experience. If you pass the phone screen, you’ll be invited to an in-person interview. The in-person interview is usually divided into two parts: a technical interview and a behavioral interview.

The technical interview is designed to assess your knowledge of the technologies relevant to the position you’re applying for. For front-end positions, this might include HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and React; for back-end positions, this might include PHP, Ruby on Rails, and SQL. The interviewer will ask you specific questions about how these technologies work and how you would use them to solve real-world problems. Be prepared to write code or pseudo-code on a whiteboard to demonstrate your understanding of the concepts being discussed.

The behavioral interview is designed to assess your soft skills, such as communication abilities and team orientation. The interviewer will ask you questions about

How to prepare for a front-end or back-end interview

There are a few key things you should do to prepare for a front-end or back-end interview.

First, research the company and the specific role you are interviewing for. This will help you understand what they may be looking for in a candidate. 

Next, brush up on your skills and knowledge related to the position. Be prepared to discuss your experience and skillset in detail. 

Finally, practice your interviewing skills by doing a mock interview with a friend or family member.

What are some common mistakes made in front-end and back-end interviews?

When interviewing for a front-end or back-end position, there are a few common mistakes that candidates make.

One mistake is not being prepared to discuss the technical aspects of the role. Candidates should be able to speak about their experience with the relevant technologies and how they would approach various challenges.

Another mistake is not having a strong understanding of the company’s product. Candidates should take the time to research the company and its offerings before their interview. This will allow them to ask informed questions and demonstrate their interest in the role.

Finally, some candidates fail to ask any questions at all. This can give the impression that they’re not truly interested in the role or the company. Asking thoughtful questions shows that you’re engaged and eager to learn more about what it would be like to work there.


We hope you found this article on front-end and back-end tech interview handbooks helpful. If you have any questions or would like to share your own experience with interviewing for a tech job, please leave a comment below.

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