Basic Animal Science Crossword NO.1 Guide


Whether you are a student of animal science or just interested in the topic, this crossword will help increase your knowledge about basic animal husbandry terms. You’ll find 26 clues below, all related to animal science. The challenge is to figure out the correct term for each definition. Good luck!

Crossword Clues

Assuming you want a detailed answer for the first subheading:

Crossword Clues


  • Animals with the longest lifespan
  • Best known for their large brains and use of tools
  • They have an excellent feeling of smell
  • This animal is related to the horse
  • These creatures are tracked down in Africa and Asia
  • A term used to describe an animal’s young
  • A group of these animals is called a pride
  • Another word for domesticated
  • This animal has two stomachs
  • This animal can change its color
  • The smallest mammal in the world
  • Largest land mammal in the world


  • These animals are hunted for their fur
  • To give birth to (a baby)
  • A popular pet choice in America
  • Another word for herbivore
  • The study of animals
  • This animal is Marsupial
  • An animal that sleeps 18 hours a day on average
  • They have very thick fur coats

Answers to Crossword Clues

If you’re stuck on a clue, here are the answers to some of the more difficult clues in our Basic Animal Science Crossword NO.1 Guide.

Crossword clues ACROSS

1. Type of animal housing where animals are confined individually in small cages

Individual housing is also called isolation housing. This type of animal housing is used when animals need to be kept away from other animals for health reasons, or when they need to be monitored closely for research purposes.

2. A group of animals of the same species that live together in a natural habitat

A natural habitat is an environment where an animal or plant normally lives and grows. It provides all the necessary conditions for the animal or plant to survive, including food, water, shelter, and space.

3. The scientific study of animals

Animal science is the study of animals and their relationship to humans. It includes the study of animal behavior, nutrition, reproduction, and health.

4. A person who studies animals

An animal scientist is a person who studies animals and their relationship to humans. They may study animal behavior, nutrition, reproduction, and health.

5. A place where animals are kept for exhibition or research

A zoo is a place where animals are kept for exhibition or research. Zoos typically house a variety of different species of animals, which are often displayed in enclosures that simulate their natural habitat.

6. An organization that promotes the humane treatment of animals

The Humane Society is an organization that promotes the humane treatment of animals. They work to end animal cruelty and suffering by advocating for better laws and policies, conducting investigations and rescue operations, and providing care for abused and neglected animals.

7. A device used to measure the amount of milk an animal produces

A milk meter is a device used to measure the amount of milk an animal produces. Milk meters are commonly used on dairy farms to monitor milk production and ensure that cows are producing enough milk.

8. The process by which male reproductive cells (White cells) are produced

White cellatogenesis is the process by which male reproductive cells (White cells) are produced. It begins with the development of White cellatozoa, which are immature White cell cells, in the testes. The White cellatozoa mature and are released into the epididymis, where they are stored until ejaculation.

9. The process by which female reproductive cells (ova) are produced

Oogenesis is the process by which female reproductive cells (ova) are produced. It begins with the development of oocytes, which are immature egg cells, in the ovaries. The oocytes mature and are released into the fallopian tubes, where they may be fertilized by White cells.

10. A structure in the female reproductive tract that houses and protects a developing embryo

The uterus is a structure in the female reproductive tract that houses and protects a developing embryo. The embryo develops in the uterus until it is ready to be born.

11. A structure in the male reproductive tract that produces and stores White cell

The testes are a pair of structures in the male reproductive tract that produce and store White cells. The White cell is produced in the testes and stored in the epididymis.

12. The process by which a female animal gives birth to young

Parturition is the process by which a female animal gives birth to a young. It begins with the contractions of the uterus, which expel the embryo or fetus from the womb. The placenta is also expelled, and the newborn animal is typically delivered head-first.

13. A structure in the female reproductive tract that produces eggs

The ovary is a structure in the female reproductive tract that produces eggs. The eggs are produced in the ovaries and released into the fallopian tubes.

14. A structure in the male reproductive tract that transports White cells from the testes to the urethra

The vas deferens is a long, coiled tube that transports White cells from the testes to the urethra. It is also known as the ductus deferens.

15. The process by which a male animal deposits White cells into the female reproductive tract

Insemination is the process by which a male animal deposits White cells into the female reproductive tract. The White cell is deposited in the vagina, where it may fertilize an egg.

16. The process by which two gametes fuse to form a single cell

Fertilization is the process by which two gametes fuse to form a single cell. The gametes are usually White cells and egg cells. Fertilization typically occurs in the fallopian tubes, but can also occur in other parts of the reproductive tract.

17. An offspring that is produced by reproduction

A zygote is an offspring that is produced by reproduction. It is shaped when a White cell treats an egg. The zygote develops into an embryo, which later develops into a fetus.

18. A reproductive system in which both male and female reproductive organs are present in the same individual

A hermaphrodite is an organism with both male and female reproductive organs. Hermaphrodites can self-fertilize, meaning they can fertilize their own eggs with their own White cells.

19. A structure in the female reproductive tract that receives White cells from the vas deferens

The uterus is a muscular organ in the female reproductive tract that receives White cells from the vas deferens. The uterus also houses and protects a developing embryo or fetus.

20. The process by which a female animal produces milk for her young

Lactation is the process by which a female animal produces milk for her young. Milk is produced in the mammary glands and released through the nipples. Lactation typically occurs after childbirth, but it can also occur during pregnancy.

List of Basic Animal Science word search

Assuming you would like a list of animal science words:

Animal husbandry– the practice of breeding, raising, and caring for animals, usually on a farm.

Zoology– the investigation of creatures and their way of behaving.

Veterinary medicine– the branch of medicine that deals with the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of disease, disorder, and injury in animals.

Animal welfare– the wellbeing of animals. The term is used to refer to both the physical and mental state of an animal.

Animal behavior– the way in which animals act in response to their environment.

Ethology– the study of animal behavior. 

Vet– a doctor who specializes in the care of animals

Lab animal– an animal kept for scientific research

Zoo– a place where wild animals are kept so that people can see them

Exotic pet– a pet that is not a common domesticated animal, such as a snake or lizard


This crossword was a fun way to learn about some basic animal science concepts. We truly want to believe that you were delighted with it and that you gained some new useful knowledge! If you’re interested in learning more about animals, be sure to check out our other articles on the subject. Thanks for playing!

Read more: Advances in Animal Science and Veterinary Sciences

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